Extracurricular Laughs

When I came out of art school, I tried to take on lots of freelance work because I was impatient to build a portfolio full of real-world projects that I actually liked. Now that I am a part owner in my own business, freelance work doesn’t interest me much anymore. If it’s too small for Behavior, I tend to pass on it because it tests my physical stamina enough to run the studio. I’d much rather burn midnight oil working on But a friend asked me to throw together a little postcard for a weekly comedy show of which she’s a part at Chicago City Limits.

I said okay, and I set about knocking out something as quickly as I could. It’s probably the quickest print job I have ever thrown together, which is a good thing because since moving over to Web design, I have about zero patience for print media. Though this card is about as simple as you can get in production terms, I was grousing to myself the whole time about how unwieldy the prepress process is and how awful QuarkXPress is. Anyway, it’s absolutely minor, but I’m pretty happy with it, especially for about two hours’ worth of work.
