Doodles from the Edge

Because I’m a little exhausted — okay, I’m a bit burnt out — I’m posting a kind of a throwaway piece today, something to tide over hungry readers until I can put myself back together sufficiently to hammer out a full fledged post.

Herewith, a collection of doodles from the margins of my notebook, accumulated over the past eight or nine months. For all things Times-related, I use one notebook per year — a Moleskine Cahier Notebook — and so everything goes into its pages, including the random drawing I’ll do when a meeting is, ahem, less than fully engaging.

Sketches from the Source

Once in a while, I’ll do some drawing from life — as in office life — which usually means sketches of people sitting at desks or in chairs or in front of computers… boring stuff. But most of the time in these situations, I’m drawing from my head, amusing myself with the baubles of my subconscious… which is why you’ll see a healthy representation of super-heroes, baseball players and cowboys. My figurative imagination is still very much stuck in adolescence, apparently.
