Oh-Nine’s Ox Tails

Music. I listened to a lot of it last year. Not nearly as many as lots of people, I’m sure. But I had an Emusic account, an Amazon Prime account and a sufficiently generous credit card limit to supply me with days of listening entertainment — 1,530 songs played continuously over 3.7 days, according to iTunes.

Looking back, I liked a lot of the music I heard, and got reasonably excited about it too. Maybe not as excited as I used to get about music, back when I had a lot more free time, a lot less money, and a mistaken belief that pop music could be useful a framework for living one’s life. But for the first year in many years, I got genuinely enthusiastic about what seemed like a lot of new acts. Maybe it was a subconscious attempt to retain or rekindle youth as I entered parenthood, or maybe it was the fact that a brilliant record label run by a friend from my twenties came roaring back even more brilliantly than it had ever been before, but I found a lot to like when I plugged my earbuds into my iPod last year. Anyway you look at it, there were a lot of good tunes in 2009, and I’d like to share some of them with you.

Ox and Ye Shall Receive

So, here, from the Better Late than Never Department, is a round-up of what I found to be the best of that music, compiled and presented for your listening — and downloading — pleasure. It’s hard to boil so much product down into something coherent, and at nineteen tracks long I fear I’ll already be testing most people’s patience. I also left out a lot of music that I thought was really good but that failed to really move me, so there’s no Animal Collective, Dirty Projectors or Grizzly Bear. Sorry folks, I’m not that hip… or maybe too hip for that, depending on how you look at it. Anyway, enough disclaimers.

For no good reason, I call the compilation “Ox Tails.” You can listen to it through your Web browser over at via the still terrific Opentape playlist tool. You can also download this compilation, along with the cover art I quickly cooked up, below — though in the interest of preserving some value for the labels, the downloadable songs are relatively low quality, at a bitrate of just 16 kbps. If you like any of the tracks and want to own the full-quality versions, you can click through to Amazon via the track listing at the bottom of this post and help me raise my little girl so she too can enjoy quasi-legal music blogging. Any way you choose to consume it, I hope you like it.

The lovely cover art (included with the download).
The enjoyable track listing.
No. Artist Song Name
01 Woods The Hold
02 Japandroids Wet Hair
03 Brilliant Colors Absolutely Anything
04 Frankie Rose Hollow Life
05 M. Ward Never Had Nobody Like You
06 Phoenix Love Like a Sunset
07 Bon Iver Blood Bank
08 City Center Open/House
09 Thom Yorke The Hollow Earth
10 Desire Mirroir Mirroir
11 Girls Hellhole Ratrace
12 The Pains of Being Pure at Heart Gentle Sons
13 Jarvis Cocker Leftovers
14 Jeremy Jay Gallop
15 Flight of the Conchords Carol Brown
16 La Roux Cover My Eyes
17 Foreign Born Vacationing People
18 Crystal Stilts Love Is a Wave
19 The Big Pink Golden Pendulum