Thoughts on News and User Experience

As promised, Tina Roth Eisenberg has posted video of my talk from last Thursday morning at FREITAG am Donnerstag in Zurich, Switzerland. If you didn’t get to make it to the event, or you just want to relive the good times, it’s all available for viewing at or over at Vimeo. The videographer who recorded my talk did a terrific job giving you a sense of what the space was like, capturing the contrast between my ideas about digital news and the old world sensibility of the print shop-style showroom in which the lecture was held. Also, very helpfully, some of the slides from my Keynote deck were laid into the video directly, so you can follow along with the specific points I was making.

Above: Me talking last Thursday at the FREITAG Reference space in Zurich, Switzerland. Photo by Swiss-Miss.

Key Points

This roughly half-hour-long lecture is essentially a brief overview of my current thinking on the problems facing the news industry as it grapples with digital media, especially as seen through the lens of the nearly five years that I spent working at The New York Times. I say ‘current’ because I think that, two months after leaving that post, I think I’m still putting together my thoughts, working up to a more definitive statement about what I saw and what I see ahead.

Among the ideas I’ve been trying to refine is a simple overview of the change I’ve observed in the delivery of the news. In my talk Thursday, I used this slide to communicate the concept:

You can of course watch and listen to my explanation, but I thought it would be useful to put down in writing some of the rational behind this slide here.

That is the core idea of the talk, really. But there’s plenty more in the video, including some thoughts on why it’s so hard for the news industry to change, the tabloidization of news design, the opportunity presented by the iPad and why single-source news apps are doomed to fail, and some snarky digs at some of my former employer’s competitors, to boot. Watch the full video here.

But Wait, There’s More

Again, thanks to Tina and the FREITAG crew for having me. If you’re in or near Zurich, don’t forget that there are two more similarly-themed talks in the FREITAG am Donnerstag series, and you can find out more about them here.
