Rick Poynor’s First Foray onto Pinterest

Poynor is one of the most respected design critics working today, and he has a keen understanding of visual culture. He recounts his first week on Pinterest with the dry amusement of an academic examining a toy for the first time.

“It’s both exhilarating and curious to see this ceaseless torrent of deracinated images passing from hand to hand, admired and valued for their visual properties, yet often torn loose from the contexts that allow their meaning to be fully appreciated. That might be how private scrapbooks and wall-mounted pinboards operate, but Pinterest pins are both personal tokens and public communication. Taking pleasure in a picture doesn’t rule out the need for some curatorial precision. Amassing these collections is undeniably satisfying, though. When I have gone a bit further, I know I will want to write about Pinterest again.”

I expect his next essay on Pinterest to make this one seem unhinged by comparison. Read the full article.
