My Favorite Icon Sets

Speaking of hollow icons vs. solid icons, while I still prefer the latter, I recognize that we are living in an iOS 7 world. So I’ve been warming up to the former.

In the past year, as I’ve been working on a slew of new projects, I’ve faced the decision to go with one style or the other again and again. For solid icons, I’ve been using Drew Wilson’s Pictos, which is still the most widely useful icon set that I’ve found, even if it hasn’t been updated in a few years. That it comes in font format is particularly helpful, too.

For hollow fonts, I’ve tried a few options, but the one that I return to repeatedly is Vincent Le Moign’s massive Streamline Icons (full disclosure: affiliate link). Incredibly, the set boasts over 1,600 individual forms—and that’s not even counting all of the variants and file format duplicates. Its sheer breadth has made it a repeatedly useful resource, and though I might quibble with the renderings of a few specific icons, on the whole I find them to pretty pleasing.

Of course, there’s also The Noun Project, a wonderful and continually growing resource. I do find myself turning there regularly, as they offer an amazing breadth as well, and of course they offer icons in a number of different styles too. But when it comes to assembling assets for designs, I find I’m rather lazy, and it’s hard to beat having Streamline’s large collection available right on my hard drive in so many different variants.
