Select Stories from The New Yorker

The New Yorker has opened up the last seven years of its archive for free, public access for the next three months—when a new paywall of indeterminate restrictions will go up—so you should take advantage of it now.

There is so much good content here that you could lose yourself for days. In fact, I find that the editors are being too shy about showcasing their best stuff, doling it out in batches of five or six at a time when they could be highlighting many, many more articles and highlighting the enormous breadth of content published just since 2007. Over at Slate, they’ve put together a pretty good list of some thirty articles that their editors deemed “not to be missed,” which is a great place to start.

My own list of personal favorites include “The Cost Conundrum,” a famous 2009 article about healthcare costs by Atul Gawande; ” “A Fine Romance,” a 2007 essay by film critic David Denby on the decline of the romantic comedy; and this phenomenal chronicle of “The Hunt for El Chapo,” one of Mexico’s most notorious drug traffickers, written by Patrick Radden Keefe (I blogged about that piece back in May).

Hurry up and start Instapapering before it’s too late.
