Thoughts on Interstellar

On Wednesday night I got to go see Christopher Nolan’s new film, “Interstellar,” on IMAX in a 70MM film print. This is a big, big movie, but not in the way that we’ve come to think of big movies—there’s a tremendous gap between “Interstellar” and the blockbusters that dominate cinemas in the summer, and almost as large of a gap between “Interstellar” and the Oscar-bait epics that start rolling out towards the end of each year. Nolan’s film is a work of both ideas and of spectacle and for the most part it successfully balances both, which is quite rare.

Which isn’t to say that it’s a movie that is going to please everyone; there is a lot that’s wrong with “Interstellar.” But for the most part I was very much taken with it. Over the past day or so I’ve struggled to put together a coherent essay from my impressions of the film, but given how little time I have these days, I ultimately copped out and decided to throw out a bunch of random bullet points, in the perhaps vain hope that getting some thoughts out there is better than none.

Finally, even at a running length of nearly three hours, there is so much good stuff in “Interstellar” that I’m eager to revisit that I would gladly go see it again. I hope lots of other people agree. For all its flaws, we’d be lucky to have more movies with the unbridled ambition and dedication to imagination that “Interstellar” has in abundance.
