Joanna Gruesome’s Peanut Butter

Joanna Gruesome is not a person but a band from Wales, and their just-released second record (titled “Peanut Butter,” okay whatever) clocks in at just twenty-two minutes. Allowing for commercials, that’s basically a sit-com’s worth of your time, but it will yield you much more pleasure than any episode of “The Great Bang Theory” because it’s fantastic, a remarkably solid if explosive mix of punky pluck and dreampop melodicism. I’m a sucker for this stuff, I admit, but who can resist when it’s this good? Here’s the third track from the record, the thoroughly winning “Honestly Do Yr Worst.”

You can find “Peanut Butter” on Spotify, but they’re an indie band released on an indie label, so if you want to offer maximum support, buy direct from
