What Your Food Looks Like

Photographer Dwight Eschliman, with science writer Steve Ettlinger, has published a visually stunning new book that is both horrifying and beautiful. It’s called “Ingredients: A Visual Exploration of 75 Additives & 25 Food Products” and publisher Simon & Shuster describes it as:

…an unprecedented visual exploration of what is really inside our food, setting the record straight on the controversial and fascinating science of chemical and synthetic additives in processed food—from Twinkies and McNuggets to organic protein bars and healthy shakes.

Eschliman effectively deconstructs familiar foods, both those that unabashedly fall into the “junk” column as well as those that purport to be healthy, and photographs their constituent ingredients in an exquisitely clean, elegant style. In fact, these are some of the loveliest shots of chemical products you’ll ever see; the sample page spreads look like a cross between a chemistry text book and a J. Crew catalog.

The hardcover is available at More information at
