To Sleep, Perchance to Dream… of Fixes and Tweaks

Subtraction LogoWhen I get the time, I’m going to make a few fixes to the Movable Type templates running, including: Fixing the cookie problem on the Remarks feature so that it will actually remember information like it’s supposed to. Fixing the Search templates, which have become a total mess since upgrading to MT 2.64 (and possibly moving over to a Google search). Fixing the Elsewhere section’s archives, which doesn’t currently allow direct access to individual posts.

Also, I’m hoping to tweak and/or add a few new features, including: Integrating the Elsewhere archives — at least in some fashion — with the main posts. Establishing a ‘glossary,’ which is an idea I’ve come up with for cataloging concepts and ideas that I refer to regularly. Adding a widget that will allow readers to email links of their favorite posts to friends because, hey, who doesn’t want to do that? And finally, one day I’m going to get around to creating a gallery of masthead images from the home page, and maybe those old covers from version Five.0 of the site, too.

All of this will happen as soon as I figure out how to stop sleeping.
