Why Google Cannot Build Social Applications


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An interesting theory about why Google’s forays into social media (e.g., Buzz, Orkut, Wave, etc.) tend to be tonally wrong. “What’s the main difference between successful Google applications (search, maps, news, email) and a successful social applications? With Google applications we return to the app to do something specific and then go on to something else, whereas great social applications are designed to lure us back and make us never want to leave.” Via Kottke.org.

  1. “With Google applications we return to the app to do something specific and then go on to something else…”

    I sort of disagree with that statement as it refers to Google Maps/Earth, as I’ve fallen victim to endless Google Mapping/Earthing almost like going on a Wikipedia binge. But then again, I probably should have been focusing on something else other than my cat-like curiosity for cartography.

  2. I agree with Matt on his point about Google Earth. Also, what about YouTube? Tons of people browse through YouTube every day without having an actual goal.

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