An All-new Newsletter (Sort Of) An exclusive post from the newsletter

Hello! You’re looking at a brand new version of the newsletter! True, it’s not much different from the old newsletter. But there is one substantial change: the addition of an introductory note—the part you’re reading right now. For years this newsletter has served as just a summary of the blog posts I’ve published the previous day, but I’ve decided as an experiment that I would start adding some thoughts exclusively for subscribers.

Somewhat appropriately, I’m kicking things off today with a post about writing, using as a jumping off point a terrific article that a16z partner Steven Sinofsky wrote recently about the role of writing in building startup cultures. It was a particularly useful article for me because it reminded me that any writing can be productive. It also reminded me that, as much as I enjoy the public aspect of blogging, sometimes there are ideas and musings that I would like to share with a more selective audience. Which led me to this experiment; notes like this one will be available only to readers of this newsletter and will likely never get published on my blog for the general public. Hopefully that will allow me to be a little more freewheeling; expect things to be more casual and, probably, messier too.

Anyway, I hope you like it but even if you don’t, please don’t hesitate to send me feedback at I’ll be curious to hear what you think.

Thanks for reading!
