Facebox on Sale This Week


Excuse the plug: my friend Matt and I are holding a sale for Facebox, our pack of stock avatars for user interfaces design and presentations. Here’s the deal: the full pack is usually US$35, but today only you can get it for US$10. Tomorrow, the price goes up by five dollars to US$15; the next day it goes up another five dollars to US$20, and so on and so on — until Saturday morning (New York time), when it’s full price again.

Facebox on Sale This Week

For those who aren’t familiar: Facebox is composed of fifty high-quality shots of real people that Matt and I took last summer on the streets on Manhattan. Each avatar comes cropped in three shapes — squares, circles and rounded rectangles — and there are files and templates for Photoshop, PowerPoint, Keynote, OmniGraffle and Sketch. Having these on hand makes life much easier when you’re preparing mockups for Web sites and apps, or putting together business presentations, because all of the images are rights-cleared and royalty-free (unlike many other similar products you can find out there). All told, this is a great deal at full-price, but it’s a steal at US$10. Get it before the price goes up!


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